- Industry wash, EN ISO 15797
- External labels
Side hammer loop
Wide belt-loops
Removable ID-pocket for flame retardant clothes
Opening in back for fastening safety harness - Robust hidden one-way metal zipper, Double zippers at the front for adjustable width
- Loose-hanging chest pockets with nail pockets, one with telephone pocket and one with pen pocket
Front pockets with flap
Nail pockets - in three parts and extra wide, Nail pockets - front and back - Flame retardant reflective tapes sewn with double seams
MIG + 12 par
As low as 716,16 Kr
MIG+ er en af vores mest omtyckta svetshandskar. Handen er gjord af getskinn med en kraft af spaltläder for ekstra beskyttelse. Anpassad for MIG og TIG svetsning med høje krav på smidighed.
- Indrehånd af getskinn
- Krage af spaltlæder 12cm
- Sydd med kevlartråd, totallængde 30-35 cm
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